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from Wikipedia: ".PICS is an active gTLD that was proposed in ICANN's New gTLD Program. The Registry and manager of the TLD is Uniregistry. The proposed application succeeded and was delegated to the Root Zone on 18 January 2014.
Pictures capture the most precious moments in our lives. We take them at weddings and birthdays, graduations and first days of school, and at special family gatherings. With the advent of camera phones, pictures also increasingly mark the routine of our every day lives. We take them, post them, and share them widely on and across the Internet. Even across great distances, pictures can connect us to each other and the lives of the people we love.
(...) when the top-level domain .PICS is appended to the end of website name, the site's viewers will have an immediate context for the content about to be viewed: pictures. A registrant's choice of .PICS as a top-level domain will provide a lens through which a viewer will see the associated content.
New top-level domains represent the future of naming for Internet-based resources. For a significant number of users, .PICS is the most meaningful and accurate description of the content of the works or services a registrant might provide, or a user might seek, online. Nothing better describes news than 'news'.
DNS-based addressing brings with it unique advantages for branding Internet-based resources with semantic meaning and easily communicable and remembered labels. Domain Names are mnemonic devices, designed to help users remember and invoke the 'location' of web sites, email servers, and the like (as opposed to having to remember ip addresses). The addition of many new, semantically meaningful, TLDs will enhance this mnemonic function, helping users to discover pertinent resources, differentiate among stored links, and remember how to reach sites they have visited before.
Top-level domains with specific semantic meaning, like .PICS, will thrive when operated by a neutral registry-services provider like Uniregistry. A neutral registry does not provide preferential registration opportunities to any particular market participant, create anti-competitive rules that prevent domain name registration by competitors, or become so deeply involved in the target market that its presence as the registry services provider creates the appearance of impropriety or bias. Uniregistry always will act as a neutral services provider for .PICS.
A specialized top-level domain string, like .PICS, immediately conveys the purpose for which the user is seeking to access a site. Registrants who might get lost in a larger, undifferentiated TLD, and who seek to convey the specific purpose of the site or services, or who are unable to find a satisfactory SLD within existing TLDs, will find it easier to reach potential users.
.PICS will be a specialty gTLD, with a flat pricing structure and fixed renewal costs, with no material price increases for the first five years. This moderately priced namespace is designed to offer registrants an attractive, competitive registration alternative or complement to existing registrations for the purpose of specialized content. (...)
The registry will implement safeguards to intellectual property interests, while fostering socially and commercially productive growth of its name-space for registrants, stakeholders, and Internet users."